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Having Fun with Film

A Minolta 34mm range finder camera being loaded with film

How It All Began

My Father was a forensic photographer so I grew up with cameras in the house. At the age of 10, I asked for a camera for my birthday and received a Kodak Instamatic 133x with a choice of just two settings, "Sunny" and "Hazy". When I got a Saturday job working in my local camera shop I bought my first proper camera, a used Minolta 35mm rangefinder. From here I progressed through various SLR cameras to a Mamiya 645 Pro 1000s. I later sold this and three lenses to buy a 5 Megapixel digital point and shoot camera! In 2020 I returned to film photography using an Olympus OM4Ti 35mm SLR and had some unusual lenses including the 35mm shift lens and 500mm mirror lens. All these were sold to buy a Mamiya C330f and now I mainly shoot medium format and have a number of cameras ranging from an ancient folding "Nettar" to the "new" Mamiya 6. I was asked what the rationale was for shooting film when digital cameras, even those in mobile phones, are so good today? I replied that I simply enjoyed shooting film, it's fun. More an irrational than a rationale.


I live in a village near the coast in Kent, England and am an audio systems engineer. If you are looking for my professional web site, it is


I hope you enjoy the blog and find it useful!

Rupert Brun

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